Lynne Tillman: American Genius, a comedy

In the hypnotic, masterful ‘American Genius, A Comedy,’ a former historian spending time in a residential home, mental institute, artist’s colony, or sanitarium, is spinning tales of her life and ruminating on her many and varied preoccupations: chair design, textiles, pet deaths, family trauma, a lost brother, the Manson family, the Zulu alphabet, loneliness, memory, and sensitive skin–and what “sensitivity” means in our culture and society.

Showing what might happen if Jane Austen were writing in 21st-century America, Tillman fashions a microcosm of American democracy: a scholarly colony functioning like Melville’s Pequod. All this is folded into the narrator’s memories and emotional life, culminating in a seance that may offer escape and transcendence–or perhaps nothing at all. This new edition of a contemporary classic features an introduction by novelist Lucy Ives.

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