to M•Others: 1st Generation Archive

to M•Others: 1st Generation Archive is the first archival publication of to M•Others, a social publishing initiative exploring womxnhood and female economy through the position of mothering. For its first period, to M•Others was made with local mothers from Amsterdam-Zuidoost, between 1st September 2020 and 1st July 2021.
The archive contains the two first newsletters in English, Dutch and the participants; mother tongues with additional backstage stories and a sticker. Contents touch upon the topics of reproductive labor and women empowerment by centering around two questions: “is mothering a work?” and “how are we raising?”.

to M•Others is a non-profit initiative. All the income from this archive will become part of our community economy, so as to support the labors, material costs and the contributions from the participating mothers.

All sales revenues of this publication will be donated integrally to M•Others

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