Tild Greene: Recital

Recital was made alongside Greene’s solo show at Galeria Stereo, Warsaw. Both the show and the book share the same title – ‘Recital’. With the focus on repetition and perseverance. Greene questions the results of repetition within behavioral habits and the stereotyping of a body. Both the book and the exhibition are a reflection on personal and shared growth and endurance. Recital is designed by Joppe Venema and Tild Greene with a contribution from Sanae Oujjit and published by Vaneen.

Sculpture and writing is central to Tild Greene’s practice. Through subjects of mythology, utility, class, grief and gender, Greene considers categories and assumptions. Through their own personal metabolism of material, obstacles are reflected upon and pushed forward towards a question: what defines capability and capacity? In the energy circuits of what precedes or follows this potential capacity, Greene seeks to repurpose preconditioned structures into another logic, projecting outwards.