Publishing event by Studio for Immediate Spaces Sandberg Instituut
Thursday March 7, 7pm
Tune in, drop by, drop out at SIS’s second publishing event at San Serriffe on March 7th.
[Broad]casting their thesis presentations into the aether — SIS has finally discovered how to greet the void.
Have you?
Come by from 7:00 to 10:00 pm for drinks, chats, and 21 freshly minted public[ations / actions] to find out.
Programme including readings & performances starts at 7:15 pm.
Publications by
Andreea Pirlica
Anna Riabova
Capucine Bricheux
Cara Mayer
Djina Bruine de Bruin
Enno Pötschke
Gabija Nedzinskaite
Hannah Lu Verse
Héloïse Floc’h
Ioanna Mitza
Jin Lee
Lina Mittendorff
Lisa van Heyden
Lucas de Montalembert
Mu Koch
Nina Blume
Pavle Mijuca
Robin Vandenbussche
Tal Stadler
Vinzenz Leutenegger
Zhiyi Cao