with an introduction by NXS World & Tamar Shafrir at 8.30pm
Thursday April 4, 8pm
Join us this Thursday April 4th for the launch of ‘NXS#4: Algorithmic Anxiety’, the fourth printed issue by NXS World, an experimental research platform that searches for user perspectives and stories on how digital technology affects us on a daily basis. NXS World is a network of collaborators from different backgrounds that grows like an exquisite corpse, as they each consecutively add to the stream of thought.
In ‘NXS #4: Algorithmic Anxiety’ they explore the spectrum of algorithmic authority over our lives (whether perceived or not). They question or reveal the inconspicuous influence of algorithms, in their various forms, on our behavioral patterns, emotions, and self perceptions of our position in the world.
With contributions by Arnar Ásgeirsson, avoidstreet, Crosslucid, Julie Czerneda, Simon Denny, Ariana Dongus, Wesley Goatley, Quentin Gomzé, Benjamin Edgar Gott, Normunds Grūzītis, Abby Jame, Gwyneth Jones, Colin Koopman, James Massiah, Vector Newman, Nathalie Nguyen, Sabrina Scott, Nishant Shah, Jaeho Shin, Viktor Timofeev, Veronika Vidø, Coralie Vogelaar
Edited by Tamar Shafrir and designed by Goys & Birls