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THE RIGHT TO THE CITY XXX by Werker Collective and Loma Doom (Femke Dekker)

with a collective listening session at 8.30pm

Thursday November 17, 8pm

Image: Aktiegroep Nieuwmarkt. Amsterdam, 1975

‘The Right to the City XXX’ is a podcast that explores Amsterdam’s grassroots resistance against homelessness and unaffordable housing, and its consequent fuel of counterculture platforms in the city, in the past and in the present.

The project defines an alternative map of the city through a series of conversations and sound-pieces raising questions such as: How to survive today’s neo-liberal policy in Amsterdam? Is it possible to create alliances from different positions and privileges to claim back together our Right to the City? What role does art and artists have to play in the ongoing housing struggle, as they are often used as agents of gentrification?

‘The Right to the City XXX’ merges Loma Doom (Femke Dekker) and Werker Collective’s long term practices which investigate the role of archives as a tools for resistance and political imagination with contributions by Mokum Kraakt, Niet te Koop, OCCII, W139, We Are Here, Adam Adriss, Ad de Jong, Guilly Koster, Teferi Mekonen, Boudewijn Ruckert, Sjoerd Stolk, Wouter Stroet, Alite Thijsen, Elke Uitentuis, Annegriet Wietsma. 

An edition of screen-printed bandanas has been designed by Werker to help spread the sound waves through the city. Complementing to the launch, a selection of materials on the topic of housing struggle in Amsterdam, from the first rent strikes of the 1930’s until today will be on display at San Serriffe.

This project has been supported by San Serriffe (Mondriaan Fund), together with Practice Workshop (Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten), Education from Below (European Culture Fonds).
Listen here.