San Serriffe is taking a break!

Browse for books in the meantime and check out the Reader part for interviews.

Orders will be shipped after August 23.

In store pick ups can take place from August 28 onwards.

Have a good one!

Arte Povera 1966-1980 — Books and Documents

Anselmo, Boetti, Calzolari, Fabro, Kounellis, Mario and Marisa Merz, Paolini, Pascali, Penone, Pistoletto, Prini, Zorio: the protagonists of the most important italian artistic movement in the second half of the XX century are introduced not by their “traditional” works, but from a particular point of view: their publishing production. These artists’ books were conceived, built and re-invented as works of art themselves, and some of them had a very important role in defining the aims and beliefs of the whole artistic movement.

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