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Bart Julius Peters: Hunt

Bart Julius Peters’ oeuvre is characterized by a sense of nostalgia, romance, and agelessness. The coarse-grained black and white photographs appear to be much older than they actually are and to depict scenes of a fictional past. This becomes all the more evident in his choice of subjects: as a cosmopolitan vagabond Peters roams the world in search of the “old world,” old-fashioned places and people, situations of a society running backward.

In the series of images constituting this book, models are caught seemingly unprepared or resting, time and places seem irrelevant, but infused with a sense of decadence, and the sequencing and high density black ink used to print the images transform them in an unlikely narrative.

Edited and designed by Mevis & van Deursen, in close collaboration with the photographer, this artist’s book introduces a work with a unique pace and style.

Bart Julius Peters (Kuwait, 1971) studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and publishes in various magazines such as “RE_magazine,” “Fantastic Man,” and “Foam magazine.”

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