Habrá tiempos peores (There will be worse times)

Sad Belongings Press and Studio Paraíso came together to make visible what is usually invisible and avoided. The idea of failure does not have a place in the narrative of success.

In a collaborative experiment with 28 artists we worked to create the publication ‘Habrá tiempos peores’ (There will be worse times). A collection of images that allude to the imminent presence of failure in everyday life. This is the result of a conversation, a ping pong of words and ideas between us and each one of the artists who participated. We wanted to work towards contradiction and uncertainty, we started with an unclear path that would build itself on the go.

We believe that creating collectively makes any gesture stronger because is based on trust, solidarity and joint effort. This is the outcome of embracing and enjoying failing.

The questions remains: Did we failed? Does it matter?