Jahresring 65: What do we know?
What do we have? What do we miss? What do we love?
Around the world, place-based projects are drawing increasing attention to the pillars of art, design, and economics as important players in the development and redevelopment of the so-called periphery. This publication poses the question: How plausible and effective are these ventures?
Jahresring 65 is specific to Fogo Island, an island of approximately 2,500 inhabitants located off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. A centuries-old cod-fishing settlement, the community’s livelihood was almost devastated in the mid-twentieth century due to industrial overfishing. The island is now experiencing profound social, economic, and cultural transformation, due in part to a recent series of art, social, business, and asset-based community development initiatives. Now, Fogo Island stands as an example of the potential (but also the contradictions) of contemporary alliances between art, design, and social entrepreneurship.