Of Womxn and Other Weeds

‘Of Womxn and Other Weeds’ explores the entangled worlds of weeds and devalued, or feminized, practices. The book is comprised of contributions from over forty artists, writers, herbalists, music makers, environmental educators, witches, doctors, sex workers; people of different ages, races, sexual orientations and gender identities. We recognize resonances between weeds as disparaged and unwanted plant matter and practices which have been overlooked within a neoliberalist context; practices that are typically enacted by womxn, femmes and marginalized folks. The common weeds that have surrounded us for eons are often medicinal herbs. If we can look beyond the title “weed”, we find a powerful teacher in these plants. Womxn have been learning from these plant teachers for centuries.

The book is split into two parts: “The Words Section” and “Practices”. The Words section includes texts, but also words that are not explicitly written, so you’ll find images, sounds and texts throughout the publication. The Practices section consists of proposals for potential actions and methods. ‘Of Womxn & Other Weeds’ is an artist book dreamed and designed in Amsterdam, and printed in the Netherlands. Limited copies have been printed of the first edition, in black and white.


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