SasaHara: The Quantum Isle
’The Quantum Isle’ is an ancient place, not really here, not much there either. A floating island, always in limbo. Its liminality does not make it less real though. ’The Quantum Isle’ is corporeal, deliciously tangible. Spaces in between are not ethereal; they are not eerie notions to fill up the academics’ fantasies. They exist in different states at the same time, solid and yet fluid, both particle and wave. They create impact, and subtly evade reason. I always wondered why some people get shaky when facing things that don’t need understanding. Lived experiences seem not enough to satisfy their appetite. They want to freeze these experiences into words, lock them up within definitions, and close their boxes with labels. Imprisoning life in death. They command to be given the understanding of these experiences on a silver platter. But ’The Quantum Isle’ is not such a thing. ’The Quantum Isle’ is not a modern perspective – it is an ancient place. Not ancient as in dead or forgotten. Very much alive, since the dawn of time, recording the experiences of transiting bodies. the ones that escape fixed reference points. These bodies that fluctuate unapologetically through the ley lines of the earth.