Víctor Santamarina: Foundations
“(…) Sheltering from the rain under the overpass he gestures towards the mud to continue to define in fragments the whole which itself incidental, to his life and my own, to the island and above all else the mud. He wants to resist the monument, to shelter his work in the obscurity of landscape, to allow it to calcify under the leaking highway, so as to accumulate a substantive archive, here under the passing cars which sound like waves. He wants to define and abandon substance, at the interstices of the concrete island and the drowned world, to suture in haste this flesh of a hybrid world. (…)” *
Foundations, documents an installation by Víctor Santamarina situated on the wetlands of the Eiland van Brienenoord, Rotterdam. Composed of a series of aluminium castings of leaks and liquid streams, the two sculptures are placed at the intertidal zone of the wetland. Appearing and disappearing as the tides come and go, the work takes part in the cyclical transformations that occur in this particular environment where the moon, water, human and non human beings constantly do and undo each other.
* Fragment from ‘Emergence/y’, text contribution of Felix Kalmenson for the publication.