The Romanian word ‘bezna’ translates as consistent darkness and diffuse fear. It was also the name of a zine published between 2011 and 2014 that comprised five issues collectively edited by artists Florin Flueras, Veda Popovici, Arnold Slahter, Claudiu Cobilanschi, Irina Gheorghe, and Alina Popa, in the memory of whom this anthology is published. The five issues are themed as follows: The Dark Side of Art and Its Autonomy (#1), Apocalypse and Protests (#2), Postspectacle Shelter (#3), The Netherworld (#4), and Darkness, Unknown, Fear (#5). Bezna is darkly glowing dead thinking, cosmic pessimism, aesthetic autophagia, shadow bodies, and much more beyond.
Bezna was a zine published between 2011-2014 and comprised five issues collectively edited by artists Florin Flueraș, Veda Popovici, Arnold Șlahter, Claudiu Cobilanschi, Irina Gheorghe and (mostly by) Alina Popa, in the memory of whom this anthology is published.