
The Age of Media with Life-like Behavior

The research exhibition ‘BioMedia: The Age of Media with Life-like Behavior’ at ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe presents works that intersect the realms of art, science, and technology. The media systems on show, which range from digital, computer-generated, and computer-simulated systems to complex adaptive robots and interactive installations, simulate various different aspects of life beyond movement and raise fundamental questions about the interaction between human and non-human beings and what inorganic life might mean in the future. The term ‘BioMedia’ or biomimetic media is used here to refer to media that exhibit life-like forms of behaviour. Over sixty artists have contributed works illustrating the exhibition themes. The book accompanying the show focuses on the artworks, which are described in detail in richly illustrated texts.

The internationally renowned Austrian artist, curator, and art and media theorist Peter Weibel has been CEO and scientific-artistic chairman of ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe since 1999.

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