Catalog #17: Introduction

‘Catalog’ is a serial publication about cataloging, written by Lieven Lahaye and designed by Ott Metusala. This is Catalog issue 17, ‘Introduction’, the second issue in an ongoing sub-series on the life, work and near invisibility of writer Duncan Smith (1954-1991). This issue takes its starting point from Smith’s essay ‘Everybody Wants Exposure’ on the speculative relationship between the process of photo developing and the fading of denim jeans. The essay is reprinted, alongside ‘Impressed’, a new text by Lieven Lahaye and ‘Tracing Overexposure’, a contribution by Joke Robaard. ‘Tracing Overexposure’ consists of images, selected and mapped from Robaard’s archive of fashion photography and organized in a fading from blue to terra (cotta).

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