Gerda Paliusyté: For Cecil

For Cecil – is the first photography book by Gerda Paliušytė. The book consists of images, dedicated to Cecil Robert – the creator and administrator of “YouTube” channel under the same name.

Since 2017, Cecil uploads remixed songs ordered by the channel’s subscribers, sounding as if they were coming “from-another-room”. The “from-another-room” phenomenon and its experiences have become the starting point for the photography series (2018-2020), exploring the possibilities of being together, sharing, tacit agreement and intimacy. The photos were sometimes sent to Cecil living in Appleton, suggesting to use them as covers for the songs on his Youtube channel.

In the spring of 2020, the “For Cecil” series was presented in Paliušytė’s solo show at the gallery of the Lithuania Photographers’ Association.

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