Lola Frydman: Please Don’t Touch

“For my last year at the Rietveld Academie I wanted to experiment with all kinds of media, shapes and colors. Each idea sent me to a new one and didn’t necessarily have time to be realized. This edition is a record of all my ideas at their starting point or some more advanced, it gathers the books that inspired me, my paintings, my collages, my tools, my notes, and my planning. The pages are composed as the mess is organized on my desk. For each one, I layer printed photos of my process , I lay out my tools and books, then I photograph it. It becomes the starting point of a page.
In a second time I add other digital layers, either other images or text, that further disorganized again the whole page.
The title Please don’t touch refers to the message written on a small postite and pasted on the students’ work. The more the graduation show approached, the more the postites were numerous ” please don’t touch, don’t trash, it’s my graduation work “, “don’t move I need it”, “….” . The title like the edition was for me the way to archive the process of my graduation installation.”
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