San Serriffe is taking a break!

Browse for books in the meantime and check out the Reader part for interviews.

Orders will be shipped after August 23.

In store pick ups can take place from August 28 onwards.

Have a good one!

Linda Stupart: Virus


* tentacle sex
* Kathy Acker
* the violent deaths of male genius artists, philosophers and theorists
* zombies
* sirens
* biohacking
* rampant plagiarism
* cop killing
* spells you can use at home

“Virus is a heady brew of feminist critique of the art world and extreme body horror. It is a homage to the late Kathy Acker written in coruscating prose from a position of genuine anger at the suppression of women’s work by mansplaining, the taking up of space and actual murderous violence. It is a brilliant debut.”
— Roz Kaveney

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