Simone Weil: Waiting for God

‘Waiting for God’ is one of Simone Weil’s most remarkable books, full of piercing spiritual and moral insight. The first part comprises letters she wrote in 1942 to Jean-Marie Perrin, a Dominican priest, and demonstrate the intense inner conflict Weil experienced as she wrestled with the demands of Christian belief and commitment. She then explores the ‘just balance’ of the world, arguing that we should regard God as providing two forms of guidance: our ability as human beings to think for ourselves; and our need for both physical and emotional ‘matter.’ She also argues for the concept of a ‘sacred longing’; that humanity’s search for beauty, both in the world and within each other, is driven by our underlying desire for a tangible god.

Eloquent and inspiring, ‘Waiting for God’ asks profound questions about the nature of faith, doubt and morality that continue to resonate today.

This Routledge Classics edition includes a new Introduction by Janet Soskice and retains the Foreword to the 1979 edition by Malcolm Muggeridge.

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