with a talk by Paul O'Neill at 8.30pm
Monday December 16, 8pm‘Curious’ presents a series of interviews with curators and artists by Paul O’Neill, conducted at the turn of the millennium when contemporary curating was solidifying as a creative profession. While much of the existing history of curating focuses on career milestones, educational paths, and exhibition networks, this collection offers personal reflections that reveal the dynamics of this transformative period. By repeatedly asking the same questions, O’Neill uncovers a variety of insightful responses, creating a nuanced picture of the past that sheds light on present curatorial practices and future possibilities. With contributions by Brian O’Doherty, Lawrence Weiner, Seth Siegelaub, AA Bronson, Lynda Morris, Brian Wallis, Andrea Fraser, Okwui Enwezor, Has Ulrich Obrist, Hou Hanru, Gilane Tawadros, Nicolas Bourriaud, Ute Meta Bauer and Maria Lind.
In recent years, collective approaches to curatorial practice have become prominent, and not for the first time. While the myth of the stand-alone curator has been largely dismantled in favor of recognizing the myriad other actors and agencies— from artists to installers, from gallery attendants to directors— and others who make their work possible, contemporary curatorial practices encompass far more than bringing simply more collaborators together. Through a collection of essays and experimental texts, Not Going It Alone: Collective Curatorial Curating offers readers a layered and contextual understanding of this phenomenon, its debates, and possibilities across a range of temporalities, positions, and geographical perspectives.