NOCTURNALITIES: Bargaining Beyond Rest
Friday January 17, 6pm

Nocturnalities: Bargaining Beyond Rest delves into the politics of rest within the European art
world and aims to contextualize themes of sleep, exhaustion, anxiety, and precarity within the
realms of cultural labour, knowledge production, and cultural institutional operations.
This anthology, conceptualized, curated and edited by Andrea Knezović and Agata Bar, presents
different reflections and knowledge exchanges related to public and intimate care strategies
through a collection of critical essays, artworks, and institutional statements from various cultural
perspectives. Situated within the professional domains of cultural work, it examines the current
global cultural politics, its legislative implications, and associated discourse. This book also looks
at how technology can assist care urgencies and needs, and how we can use or appropriate
care methodologies in capitalism and create little oases of comfort and exchange.
Central to the project was the creation of the REST Archive, a dynamic, submission-based digital
platform designed as a “virtual body” that never rests. For more info, visit:
Published by Onomatopee